Published on Aug. 20, 2020

MU Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies Jim Spain
As we head into the fall semester during this unprecedented time, the University of Missouri has laid out a comprehensive plan — Show Me Renewal — designed to protect the health and safety of our campus and the broader community. For the plan to be truly effective, however, we need every Tiger to be vigilant and committed to the following public health practices:
- Maintaining a six-foot distance from others,
- Wearing your face covering,
- Washing your hands frequently, and
- Monitoring yourself for symptoms.
If you don’t have a face covering, there are vending machines located in Memorial Union, Ellis Library, the Student Center and the J-School.
We also want to assure you that our student success services are available this semester. You can use MU Connect to schedule Zoom appointments with academic advisors, the Office of Financial Aid and other student service offices. Mizzou Libraries is also remotely available, so you have access to its collection and services. Click the button below for more information about resources including Academic Advising, the Learning Center, the Office for Financial Success, and a number of other Undergraduate Studies departments.
Undergraduate Studies Resources
You’ll also find information about physical space available for taking online courses. Don’t have time to get home before your online class starts? Quiet places on campus allow you to take online courses while practicing social distancing. Spaces include first-come-first-served desks, study room reservations, individual desk reservations and general open seating in the MU Student Center and Memorial Union.
We are excited to get the fall semester underway. As MU Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, I am dedicated to your safety and success as a Mizzou student. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support your Mizzou journey. You can reach me by phone at 573-882-5995 or by email at
Dr. Jim Spain
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies