Laine Cibulskis

Laine Cibulskis holding her award plaque

Hometown: Bolingbrook, IL
Degree: Journalism, Economics, American Constitutional Democracy Minor

Laine Cibulskis is a second-year honors student pursuing dual degrees. Laine will graduate in May 2026 but plans to pursue a master’s degree in economics after graduation. She’s analyzed health data with Lake County News, investigated student housing with the Maneater, and now reports on climate issues, politics, economic policy, and more at KBIA.

This year, Laine also worked as an editorial assistant for the Investigative Reporters and Editors and was a grader for the economics department. She has also tutored with the Writing Center and worked as a student innovation staffer at the Reynolds Journalism Institute in prior semesters. Laine is also involved with the Political Science Honors Society (and attends geology and astronomy club when she can).

This summer, Laine will be in D.C. with the Kinder Institute, studying beltway politics and interning at U.S. News and World Report in their Credit Cards, Loans and Banking division. In the fall, she will be studying abroad and interning in Brussels, Belgium. In her spare time, Laine enjoys writing and performing slam poetry, hiking and having obscure debates with her friends. In the future, Laine plans to continue combining math, economics and writing to support democracy and the people within it.