Asher Ferguson

Asher Ferguson with Dr. Jim Spain

Hometown: Columbia, MO
Degree: Geography, Romance Languages (Spanish), Multicultural Studies UG Certificate

Sophomore Asher Ferguson’s research interests lie mostly in biogeography, of the study the spatial distribution of organisms. Asher is a part of a research lab on campus that studies the timing of leaf-fall and leaf-out among trees at Rock Bridge State Park. He hopes to continue similar work after graduation by pursuing a master’s in physical geography or ecology.

Asher plans on studying abroad in Alicante, Spain, for a semester to work on Spanish. He is an officer in Mizzou’s Geography Club and the Geography Department’s student ambassador, in both positions helping to spread geography to a wider audience. Asher is also active in the campus musical scene as a member of a jazz combo and the Mizzou Saxophone Society. In his spare time, he enjoys playing and learning about old-time fiddle music.