Rebecca Wells

Becca Wells is a senior from Columbia, Missouri, majoring in Political Science and Statistics and minoring in Sociology and Constitutional Democracy. Her academic interests center on the intersection of data analytics and social justice. Since her freshman year, Becca has researched democratic institutions in Poland with Professor Mary Stegmaier, Vice Provost for International Programs. Her involvement with the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy as a Kinder Scholar led her to intern with the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, where she developed an independent policy proposal on water quality as a national security concern. As a current Kinder Fellow, Becca writes for the Journal on Constitutional Democracy on folk art’s connection to political identity and participation. In her final semester at Mizzou, Becca participated in DataFest, a data science competition, where she won best use of external data. She was 1 of 9 students to complete the Political Science Honors Capstone, where she prepared a 40-page research paper on health disparities between Appalachian states.

At Mizzou, Becca has been heavily involved in the Mizzou Mock Trial Association, currently serving as President, as well as in her service sorority, Little Sisters of the Gold Rose, where she is currently President as well. She is President of Women of Worth, a mentorship program, a member of the Honors College and a Deaton Scholar, working on initiatives such as addressing food insecurity. This passion for involvement led Becca to work as an Involvement Ambassador, where she served as Vice President of Curriculum and Program Development, working to expand services to reach more students and focus on a holistic definition of involvement. Becca was honored to be tapped into Omicron Delta Kappa in 2020 and chosen as a Mizzou ’39 recipient in 2021. She has worked on political campaigns from the city to the congressional level, and upon graduation, Becca plans to attend law school to pursue a career in public policy, bridging the gaps between data, people, and policy.