Rebecca Shyu

Rebecca Shyu is a junior studying Computer Science from Columbia, Missouri. She has been involved in undergraduate research since freshman year, mentored by Dr. Mirna Becevic and Dr. Iris Zachary. Since Summer 2020, she has also interned with a research lab at Harvard Medical School. Her interests in public health, data science, and public policy are reflected in her research. Recently, Shyu was selected as a 2021 Goldwater Scholar and was chosen for the nationally prestigious Council on Undergraduate Research Posters on the Hill event. Outside of research, Shyu is involved in a plethora of activities, including 2020 Homecoming Steering Committee as a Tri-Director, Undergraduate Research Ambassadors, Engineering Ambassadors, Upsilon Pi Epsilon as President, Society of Women Engineers, and being tapped into Mortar Board, one of MU’s secret societies. Additionally, she works as a tutor at the Writing Center under Dr. Stephanie Kimmey and Dr. Aaron Harms. Rebecca is extremely grateful to her mentors and peers for supporting and cultivating her growth throughout her time at Mizzou.