Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is a Physics and Chemical Engineering double major and Mathematics minor from Kearney, Missouri. At Mizzou, he does computational materials research relevant to nuclear fusion under Dr. Karl Hammond in the Biomedical, Biological, and Chemical Engineering Department. He has also pursued a related project in the Theory Department at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory as a Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship program participant. Brandon has presented his research twice at Mizzou and once at the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics annual meeting, earning at Outstanding Poster Award at the latter. He is second author on one publication and first author on a manuscript that is under review. For his academic efforts, he has been awarded both the Goldwater Scholarship and the Tau Beta Pi Scholarship. Brandon has also served as the president of Mizzou Engineers Without Borders and the Tau Beta Pi Missouri Alpha chapter. He intends to earn a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics.